
Is there are Santa Claus?

Is there a Santa Claus?

If you were asked this question by a child what will you say?
This is very difficult question, but I know very good answer for it. That is ...

There is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists.

In 1897, a eight years old girl, Virginia O'Hanlon sent the letter to a newspaper office. The letter said "Is there are Santa Claus?", and the company's staff answered on the newspaper. The above phraze is one part of the answer.

This story is known as Virginia's letter. I think this is marverous answer. We can't see love, generosity and devotion visually, but they exists certainly. This is good expression.

You might think this topic is too early. Today is still Halloween! But I can't wait to post this  topic untill November. This is good expression and example of masic of words.

Thank you for looking my first post, I will try to find good sayings and post them.